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2012-01-27 11:43




【 liuxuequn.com - GRE作文 】

To begin with, the article's author provides no evidence that the study's two groups were
otherwise at similar risk of stroke. Lacking such evidence, it is entirely possible that the
difference in stroke risk is attributable to some other phenomenon. Perhaps the average age of
the tea drinkers was significantly lower than that of the other group. Assuming that stroke risk
generally increases with age, this scenario would provide an equally plausible explanation for
the difference in stoke risk between the two groups. Or, perhaps the tea-drinkers tended to
engage in other activities that reduced their stroke risk, or to avoid activities that increased that
risk, whereas the other group did not.
Even assuming that Elysian men do indeed reduce stroke risk by drinking three cups of
black tea each day, it is nevertheless unfair to infer that women and non-Elysians would
benefit similarly from drinking black tea. Perhaps women do not derive this same benefit from
black-tea consumption; for that matter, perhaps for women the author's prescrip tion would
actually increase stroke risk. Also, perhaps Elysians have certain other habits or certain
inherited traits needed for a person to reduce his or her stroke risk by drinking black tea
habits or traits which are far less common among non-Elysians.
Even if any person would reduce his or her risk of stroke by drinking at least three cups of
black tea each day, the author overlooks the possibility that stroke risk can just as effectively
be reduced by other means as well. Some other type of tea or herb might be just as beneficial
in this respect, or perhaps even more so. Or, people who weigh less than the men in the study
might derive the maximum benefit from black tea by drinking less than three cups per day. For
that matter, perhaps drinking 3 cups or more would amount to a harmful overdose for these
people. Without accounting for these possibilities the author's recommendation seems
premature at best.
Finally, even if all adult men and women would reduce their stroke risk by following the
author's prescribed regimen for up to a ten-year period, it is possible that following this
regimen for a longer period would actually harm one's health. Without the benefit of a longer
study---one in which subjects consume black tea daily from an early age up until an age at
which strokes are likely in any event, the author simply cannot justify the advice that
health-conscious people adhere to the prescribed regimen from an early age.
In sum, the argument is weak as it stands. To strengthen it the author must provide evidence
that the study's two groups were similar in all other ways that might possibly affect their risk of
stroke, and that it was the tea itself rather than some other habit--that caused the
comparatively low risk of stroke among the tea-drinking group. The author must also show that
women and non-Elysians benefit similarly from the prescribed amount of black tea. To better
assess the argument it would be useful to know what alternatives are available for reducing
stroke risk, whether the benefits of drinking black tea vary with age or body weight, and the
potential longer-term health hazards of consuming black tea on a daily basis.
Argument 28
The following appeared in a report of the Committee on Faculty Promotions and Salaries at
Elm City University. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文范文大全(104) 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。

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